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Vietnam Era Battlefield Cross

Sculpted by Richard Young

In honor and respect of the fallen soldiers, this touching bronze statue shows a battlefield cross from the Vietnam era. Among the military, this image has become quite iconic, and it appears in military tattoos and sculptures as a motif—a powerful way to honor and remember the tremendous sacrifice of our American soldiers.

This statue is 1 and 1/4 life-size, and stands 51-inches tall. The cross is made from standing the soldier’s boots upright, perching the rifle upright in between the boots, and hanging the helmet from the rifle’s upright stock. The dog tags are draped gracefully from the rifle.

This statue was created by sculptor Richard Young and cast here in the US at Metal Arts Foundry. This bronze is available to order in 51″ and 72″ (6ft) tall versions. 

Do you have a hero in mind?

Contact us to learn more about commisioning the Vietnam Era Battlefield Cross.

More details on the Vietnam Era Battlefield Cross coming soon!

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Young Fine Art Studio